How to Have an Effective No Strings Relationship

No strings relationships have become increasingly popular over the past few years as more people are focussing on their careers rather than building relationships. Many people prefer the flexibility and freedom that a no strings relationship offers and just don't want to get tied down yet.

With the increase in trend has come an increase in dating sites which specialise in bringing people together for pure sexual carnal pleasure, but is it something that anyone can do?

Women in particular tend to form emotional ties with someone far quicker than men do, this is apparently due to hormones released during orgasm. There are of course those who can keep themselves detached emotionally and there are some things you can do to help as well.

Here is our 4 step guide to having a healthy no strings relationship.

1. Think about whether you are able to keep things casual and not get too involved. You may well tell yourself that you can, but if you find yourself thinking about where your sexual partner is and what they are doing it might be time to reassess your relationship. This can be a clear sign that you have more feelings for this person than you want to admit, in which case it is probably time to get out and move on.

2. Don't sleep with them too often. I know the whole reason you are in this relationship is so that you have sex on tap, but too frequently and you can cause the orgasm chemicals mentioned earlier to wreak havoc with your emotions. This could lead to you wanting more from the relationship than was originally agreed.

3. Communicate well. We know that your sexual partner doesn't want to hear about your day at work or any other mundane life stuff, but you need to keep the lines of communication open when it comes to your relationship. This will ensure that you both stay on the same page and if there is a problem it can be resolved fairly quickly.

4. Choose your sexual partner wisely. I know as well as you do that there needs to be some level of chemistry between you, neither of you would be up for it if there wasn't. It is generally a good idea to find someone that you wouldn't consider having a full relationship with as well as ruling out ex partners as there is a reason that they are an ex. Also rule out the ex partners of friends as this is a minefield.

Following these simple steps should help to keep a healthy distance between you and your sexual partner which will allow you both to make the most of your no strings relationship.

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