Now You Can Have The Dream Kitchen Of 2014

Interior is a wonderful way for every homeowner to demonstrate class to his guests. The same is valid for the kitchen. A stylish cooking corner says a lot about the family and proves its good taste for design. New trends come and go every year, and the news for 2014 are already here, as they have just been reported by Zillow Digs. Let's summarise the important ones.

Probably the most notable tendency is the takeover of darker colours. They are incorporated in overall interior design and in smaller details as well. Countertops in new kitchens tend to be in all-black or shades close to the black. This is often achieved with the use of quartz or granite as surface materials. On the flip side, a contemporary look can still be present if a bit of white is added - so that interior resembles a classic black-and-white colour scheme. A little marble would help here, and the concept of wood and steel combination is also acceptable. Dark colours invade not only the cooking counters - they gain popularity as a winning decision when painting the walls.

The second trend affects the shelves and cabinets in the dream kitchen of 2014. And the desired result here is... show off! Nowadays, the cooking area is a place where we can find many high-end designer works (from cookware to blood red fridges), so why not display what we own to everybody? Everything gets exposed with help of open shelves and doorless cabinets. This tendency somehow supports the design line of luxury in home kitchen. If the cabinets will have doors anyway, they would rather be made of glass or another see-through material to fit the idea of interior transparency.

But every kitchen has its little secrets. In contrast to previous trend, there are still items we would like to hide. This is where hidden storages come in the game. Covered vertical drawers are seamlessly built around countertops and corners, so that nobody can realise what they actually are. Shapes can be quite fancy, but colours remain anywhere between dark and black. Kitchen cleaners state that this particular trend would let homeowners spend much less time cleaning the kitchen.

The last significant innovation for 2014 is a dining table placed right next to the counter as its extension. This saves serving time and interior space at the same moment. This kind of integrated table is suitable for smaller homes, but could also be included in a larger cooking corner with some tweaks.

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